
Pertama kali ikutan lari H3

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The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH or H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers orhares and hounds. more....

persiapan sebelum start
Pertama kali ikutan Hashing H3, akhir november 2014 merupakan momen penting untuk grup H3 di sorowako karena pada bulan ini mereka melaksanakan kegiatan hashing yang ke-2000. dan saya pertama kali ikutan hashing mereka yang ke 2002 bertepatan dengan special event Red Dress Run, walaupun cuma ikut lari mix jalan santai tidak sampai ikut circlenya. Diajak sama Shanle mamanya Emma anak murid kelas lukis di Dieng corner.
Seru juga, ikut Red Dress Run
Red Dress Runner
A common special event is the "Red Dress Run", which is held annually by individual chapters. In 1987, a young lady by the name of Donna Rhinehart, wearing a red dress, emerged from an airplane that had landed in southern California to visit a friend from her high school years. Shortly thereafter, she found herself transported to Long Beach, where her friend intended to introduce her to a zany running group called the Hash House Harriers.” One member, noting her gender and attire, urged that she “just wait in the truck” until her host returned. With that goading, she ran into history sporting her red dress and heels.

The following year (August 12, 1988), to commemorate the event, the San Diego Hash House Harriers sent “The Lady In Red” an airline ticket to attend the inaugural Red Dress Run. Hundreds of male and female hashers adorned themselves in red dresses for a spectacle widely covered by California newspapers and TV news. In addressing the crowd, The Lady In Red suggested that Hash House Harriers hold the Red Dress Run annually as an occasion to be used to raise funds for local charities.

The tradition of the Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run quickly spread to every corner of the globe, including Beijing, Montreal, Ho Chi Minh City, Helsinki, Moscow, Tokyo, Washington, DC, Hobart (Australia) and countless other locations.[3] Over the years, the Red Dress Run has been very successful in raising millions of dollars for a wide variety of local charities. The New Orleans Hash House Harriers attracted 7,000 participants to their Red Dress Run in 2010, raising more than $200,000 for 50 local charities

Giving some lollies to kids

Shanle take care of  me along Hashing :D

Pinky for amateur Hasher

Ibu Tony look so Happy 

Follow me

Lady (rrrrrr) in red


More Lollies!

Lollies, anyone?

Happy Finisher

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