
week end with new color

10:36 PM

bored with your color room?
why you don't try to re-coloring your room?
bored with the basic color in paint shop?
maybe you need to see this

this is "great" i wanna share ... i found this paint shop (in this small town) when we try to find some new color for our room. You can choose many color..over 10.000 of color!
whoow... we only pay IDR 43.000 for 1 kg mix colour (water based)
big banner chart color, over than 10.000 color ! (you need extra time to choose you favorite color)

big banner color chart
over 10.000 of color
need an extra time to see all this nice color :)

my favorite yellow, not only one, but over than 10 yellow...
ugh! which yellow best for our room (>.<)

and i choose "glory yellow" number 7012T than...
they will ask you : "you want to apply in exterior or interior?"
and they will show you the simply simulation used that color

finish! you only need less than 10 minutes to get your new color

this is me with a can of new color in smalltown
and ready to re-coloring our room :)

see you in my next project,
i will share you how we apply this new color on our room

paint shop :

(Thanks in Arabic)
jalan Incoiro no 20, sorowako

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